Diversity Working Group

ECFA, NuPECC and APPEC recognise the importance of diversity as a motor to boost productivity and innovation, fight prejudice and discrimination and contribute to the improvement of social and economical standards.

The three organisations joined together to propose a Diversity Charter to be signed by research organisations, collaborations and conferences within the fields of Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Astroparticle Physics, who value diversity and commit to promote equal opportunities at all levels.

In a first phase, diversity within the different signatories will be monitored. To simplify the task of monitoring for all partners involved, a survey has been made available to be filled out on a voluntary and anonymous basis by affiliated people and participants to the signatories. Initially, just a few basic variables are proposed for data collection in order to simplify privacy issues. If any signatory entity prefers to monitor the data itself, it is free to use any other method and just communicate the results of its analysis.

The three consortia have already started their activities on this issue by asking large collaborations, namely those with more than 40 members to participate in the survey by having their members fill out the questionnaire prepared by the working group, so that one can have a good picture of diversity among collaborations. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no conferences are presently being organized. Hence, the part of our study having to do with conferences will be performed in the near future, after the restrictions are lifted.

The ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC Diversity Charter can be found here. Additional information about the Diversity Monitoring can be found here. The relevant surveys can be found here for Collaborations, here for Organisations and here for Conferences.

Diversity WG members

From ECFA:

  • Patricia Conde Muíño
  • Nadia Pastrone

From NuPECC:

  • Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje
  • Lucia Popescu


  • Andreas Haungs
  • Katharina Henjes-Kunst

Signatories of the Diversity Charter

From ECFA:

  • Collaborations: ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, NA61/SHINE, CALICE
  • Conferences: HEP-EPS2021, PANIC 2021, ICRC 2021,

From NuPECC:

  • Conferences: 13th ISSNS, SSNET 2020, ICACS-29, SHIM-11, QM 2022, SSP 2022, QNP2022, NPA-X, INPC 2022, TCPC, PSI 2022, DREB 2022, IWM-EC 2024


  • Collaborations:
  • Conferences:


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Last modified: 15 October 2023 13:05 UTC