ECFA Training Panel


The ECFA Training Panel was established as an outcome of the ECFA detector R&D roadmap process in 2023, in response to the recognized need to train and maintain a workforce in instrumentation for particle physics, targeting, with the highest priority, graduate students and Early Career Researchers (ECR). 

The role of this coordination panel is primarily to:

  • Enhance the synergies between existing training programs and stimulate the creation of complementary ones where relevant, in particular multidisciplinary schools or academia-industry-joined training programs. 
  • Promote the creation of a European master's degree program in HEP instrumentation. 
  • Coordinate the synergies between HEP instrumentation and accelerator training provision.

The ECFA Training Panel acts under the auspices of ECFA, in consultation with organizations or communities representing neighboring disciplines and ICFA.

Johann Collot Co-chair, ECFA Detector Panel
Erika Garutti Co-chair, ECFA Detector Panel
Robert Appleby ECFA accelerators 
Richard Brenner ECFA particle physics
Catalina Curceanu NuPECC representative
Claire Gwenlan ECFA particle physics
Armin Ilg ECFA ECR panel
Paolo Martinengo ECFA particle physics
Elias Metral ECFA accelerators 
Petra Merkel ICFA representative
Niels van Bakel ECFA particle physics
??? APPEC representative
Paris Sphicas ECFA Chair
Lidija Zivkovic ECFA Scientific Secretary

Indico link: here